Our Story


Until 1992, when the Yangon Directory (YD) was first published, there were no classified listings of businesses operating in Myanmar. 

MMRD responded to this need and was met with gratitude when 2,000 people queued up to receive a copy on the YD’s first day of publication. 

Since then MMRD has become the official directory publisher commissioned by the Yangon City Development Committee.

In 2012, www.yangondirectory.com was launched as the first online classified directory for Myanmar.


In 2013, The Yangon Directory was named the official directory of the 27th SEA Games along with its counterparts, The Mandalay Directory, Myanmar Business Directory ( Upper and Lower ).

In 2014, The Yangon Directory App was launched, providing consumers with access to the classified database of Yangon businesses through the mobile phone.

In 2015, The Mandalay Directory App was launched providing consumers with the classified database of Mandalay businesses through the mobile phone.

Contact Us

Need help with something? Get in touch with us and we'll do our best to answer your question as soon as possible.

No. 614, First Floor (Left). MaharBandoola Road, Latha Township, Yangon, Myanmar
Yangon, Yangon 11221
09 448001662